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Doa seorang sahabat

Intan Pertiwi Sianipar

Selamat ulang tahun..

Heavenly Father, Please bless this silly, noisy yet smart and brave friend, for today is her birthday.
Dear Lord, please protect and guide our "Seolah-olah" as she continues along the path you’ve chosen for her.

Give her the courage to follow in Your light, and feel Your love wherever she goes.

Make her strong and give her the strength to make good decisions in the coming year. Keep her free from illness and sadness, for she is a truly good person who deserves happiness and success in all aspects of life.

We know that life is like a book. With each new chapter, we learn and grow towards what you would have us be.

Bless My beloved "Tiung Tiwi Ittan" now on this day, and in the future.

It such a blessing to know this noisy friend for almost 6 years.

I admire her for her loyalty. Such a pure heart who always think and support people around her.

I admire her for her courage to challenge herself in every chance.
I admire her for her never give up spirit, unending energy also her boldness in every things she does.
She is such a stubborn girl since she is the youngest child in her family. But i never find it annoying

Our sleepyhead Ittan still so adorable with her high notes.
Our Ittan still so delicate although sometime the way she talks and act just like a gangster hahahaha
 We've created many stories, good and bad, sad and happy. In the future just stay the way we are. We're ladies but we stay girls
Lets be friends until we became grandmother so we can tell our grandson and our grandaugther the beauty of friendship
Someone to lean on, someone to cry with, someone to stay behind your back
Lucky to know you Ittaaaan
Stay awesome
Happy birthday Ittan

Percayalah, Tuhan pasti tersenyum melihatku menangis.. 

You are so beautiful Peb, not because this poem, but your heart. your pure heart.
Since I know you 6 year ago, I've already know that God must be create you to be my Ohana..
May God bless you abundantly my bestfriend :)


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